Leo (July 23- August 22)
Your August Horoscope by Susan Miller
As you enter August, you're feeling exceptionally optimistic, and for good reason. The new moon in Leo, which occurred on July 30, was unusually beautiful, with the Sun and new moon entering your new birthday year arm-in-arm with the love planet Venus.
Moreover, at the same time as the new moon, Mercury, now in your second house of earned income, sent a glimmering beam to Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in your house of fame and honors. At the same time, Mercury and Jupiter sent equally encouraging beams to powerful Pluto, in your sixth house of assignments. As you see, this golden triangle linked your day-to-day projects to excellent salary and to applause and skyrocketing professional reputation - wow! When it comes to career, you are on fire!
A golden triangle in the heavens is the most harmonious shape possible. You will find that all the career energy of the July 30 new moon is still very strong as August opens. To understand how important a new moon can be, just think: a new moon only comes once a year. The better that new moon, the better your year ahead will be. Last year's birthday new moon was somber, serious, and a little lackluster, while this one shines. You really do have a lot to look forward to this birthday year!
This new moon of July 30 will be doubly powerful for you if your birthday falls within five days of this date, but all Leo will have something to cheer about. It looks like opportunities will be popping up like sunflowers, so you will want to investigate all that's being offered.
When it comes to career, there will be a gentle, but quite special aspect on Thursday, August 18, linking your career (Jupiter) to confidential talks (Mars), so see what happens on this day. It could deliver some good news, perhaps a breakthrough on something you can follow up on.
Mercury will go retrograde from August 2 to 26, and that will put your plans on hold for a month. Mercury is the planet of communication and commerce, so it will be a slow time that will allow you to catch your breath. Actually, however, because June and July were so action packed, with three eclipses arriving in a row, most people (not only Leo) coped with dramatic news and swift moving events. News of a quiet month where you can follow your own agenda without disruption might sound very good indeed.
It would not be wise to take a new position in August, nor to make any big initiations. When you hear the words "Mercury retrograde" it is a signal that all sorts of elements are currently changing direction, but you won't be able to see which direction things are heading for a while. This makes for a very bad time to make decisions because your criteria would be based on the past, not the future, and so you may later say, "If I had only known what was around the next corner?." For example, you could take a job with a boss you admire, only to discover he is leaving almost the minute you get there - and a tyrant takes his place. Things like this happen during Mercury retrograde, and there are lots of possible examples.
If you are in the middle of important talks, do not press anyone for answers - let nature take its course, and deliberately try to slow down the process. Any deal you make while Mercury is retrograde would not be one you'd want to keep.
You may be very forgetful this month, so make a conscious effort to keep track of all your belongings. You might want to back up your cell phone and computer, and put your business card in the cases that hold your eyeglasses, sunglasses, computer, smartphone, digital camera, iPad, and other beloved items. Do not buy any new electronic items or machines with moving parts in August. (This is true even if you are going off to college and need a laptop - borrow or rent one for now!) You are likely to regret the purchase later, for any number of reasons.
Mercury will be in Leo during most of the time it will be out of phase, so you may feel this particular period more than most. As said, however, you may welcome a quiet month. September will be a good, strong month, and you will want to be ready for it. Rest while you can!
Let's talk for a moment about the recent three eclipses of June and July. The first one, June 1, was encouraging, so when you think about that one, you probably only have happy things to report. You may have met a new friend, or you may have seen a certain friend go out of his or her way to help you.
The mood became more serious when the second eclipse arrived, June 15. That June 15 eclipse emphasized a love relationship, so you may have had to make a decision about the person you were dating, in a good sense or a more serious way. Or, a question may have arisen pertaining to a pregnancy or how to help a child you have now. If you are not dating, you may have met someone new, or focused on a creative project. If no news came up at the time, you may have heard something near July 26 when Mars opposed the precise degrees of that eclipse, 23 degrees Sagittarius.
Then the July 1 eclipse came by, and you may have had to help a relative or friend in the hospital, or you may have attended to a physical or even a mental health concern of your own. If you did not feel any news near July 1, you may still get news on August 16-17, when Mars will reach 9 degrees Cancer. That's a day you may want to keep fairly open and flexible, just in case others need you.
Tension will be high prior to this full moon, on August 11, because coincidentally, Mars and Pluto will be meeting toe-to-toe during this same week, bringing pressures to a high point at the office. Things are reaching a boiling point near August 16-17, when Mars reaches the same degree as the eclipse, July 1. There may be political intrigue going on among certain co-workers, and should this to be the case, their behind-the-scenes maneuvering may unnerve you. Be careful not to take out work-related frustrations on those at home - they are on your side.
A close romantic or business relationship will be the subject of your attention at the full moon, August 13, when the full moon will brilliantly light serious commitments. Neptune will be very close to that full moon. This suggests that the full moon will illuminate something you didn't know but need to know to understand the relationship better. It may shock you, or it may surprise you in a good way. See what comes up, but money seems to form part of the discussion. I like that Saturn will be very supportive to that full moon, so if you have to iron out anything, you would have the ability to foster a stable situation.
Alternatively, Neptune's position might indicate that you will have a highly romantic weekend, August 13-14, which would be a nicer way to experience this full moon. It could be breathtaking!
Of course, with a full moon in a committed relationship sector, there is always a possibility for a breakup, but let's think positive - this one is not a difficult one, so there's no reason for me to think that.
If you were born on or near August 13, plus or minus four days, you will feel this new moon more powerfully than most.
Are you single? Venus entered Leo on July 28 and will remain in your sign until August 21, making for a wonderful time to improve your appearance with a visit to the salon or spa for a hair trim, massage, or other treatment to make you feel and look like a million dollars. Save radical changes to your looks for early September, for with Mercury in retrograde, if you change your hairstyle or color or if you are a man, shave off your beard, I want you to love the changes you make. No plastic surgery while Mercury is retrograde! In the meantime, Venus will help to bring out your charms so if you are invited to a mixer during those dates, do go.
Your most romantic evenings, whether you are single or attached include: August 3, 4, 7, 12, 13 (these two days, 12 and 13 are wild cards), 18, 22, 23, and 26-27 (gold stars). On Saturday, August 27, the moon will be in Leo, so go ahead and plan a pampering, luxurious event. You deserve it.
Finances will do really well at the new moon August 28, for again, you have an out-of-this-world new moon. Don't get too used to these - they are very rare! We have to count our blessings this month! This new moon will help you to find ways to earn more money. What makes this new moon so special is that the Sun and Venus will signal Jupiter in your house of fame and Pluto in your house of work projects. When it comes to career, you do no wrong! Now, for the first time in a long time, you can begin to be paid well for your services.
Speak up for a raise, or negotiate for a new position on or just after August 28. You will see, people will want you in their corner.
As a Leo, finances troubled you over the past few years quite a bit, for every time you felt that things were stabilizing, something would happen to make you worried that things would never be secure. Now you will see you have entered a whole new realm, and better days are due, dear Leo.
On Monday, August 29, you have Venus and Jupiter combining forces to help you, and it's a wow of a day for your career! Applause, reward, praise - all will be heaped on you. What a way to end the month!
You will begin August in very high spirits. It's birthday time, and the new moon in Leo, which occurred just two days prior to the start of the month, will be divine for you and will help materialize a wish very dear to you. Your generosity to others in the past will be repaid now, for others are grateful and will want to show you how highly they hold you in esteem. If you have a special goal that you need help to achieve, ask, and you'll get the advice and assistance you need. Still, don't be too anxious to get things going quickly, as with Mercury retrograde from August 2 to 26, it is not the time to finalize any contract or costly purchase.
Instead, reconnect with friends and relatives from your past, and revisit plans made that had to be put aside for lack of time or money. You may be able to get them back on track. New projects are a different story - for those, you need to cool your jets and wait.
With Mars moving into your twelfth house of secrets and confidential matters from August 3 to September 16, you will be in strategic mode. You will have the most favor when Mars tours Leo, September 16 to November 11. Those will be your strongest, most golden weeks of 2011 - circle them in red! With Mars in your sign starting in mid-September, you will have ultimate control, so it is just as well Mercury retrograde will bring delays prior to that period, now, in August. Sit tight, and see if you can take a restful, lazy vacation where very little or nothing will be asked of you!
The full moon, August 13, will culminate feelings for a special relationship. You may promise your love, seal a business deal, or if you are not happy, you may bring things to an end, but only if you discover your partner was not being honest with you.
The month will end on a joyous note, when the new moon, August 30, brings a sudden opportunity to make more money. With Jupiter in your house of fame and honors, you've been racking up successes lately, and VIPs singled you out as a person to groom for higher responsibilities. It's time to collect more compensation for your excellent performance. As September opens, be ready to ask for your raise, or to negotiate for a salary in a new position. Mercury will no longer be retrograde by month's end, and with financial Pluto so beautifully angled to the new moon, it looks like you'll be thrilled when the answer you get for your raise is a simple, "Yes." By all means, ask!
Leo Dates to Note
Your most romantic dates: August 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 13, 18, 22, 23, and 26-27 (gold stars).
Mercury will be retrograde August 2 to 26.
The first eight days of August will be Leo time! This comes thanks to the beautiful new moon in Leo, July 30. Live large, Leo!
Mars' tour of your twelfth house from August 3 to September 18 means you will play a strategic mode. Once you get to September 18, though, things change and it will be time to announce - and present - your work to the world.
The full moon on August 13 will bring a relationship to fullness within four days of this date. You might want to seal things to make it official, but wait until Mercury is direct, over the weekend of August 27-28 and beyond.
Certain co-workers may be out of control, plotting and scheming behind the scenes near August 11. When you find out, you may be shocked or jolted.
Someone you know and love may be confined in a rehab center, hospital, or other place of confinement in the weeks ahead. You'll be needed to bring your special brand of cheer.
The new moon August 28 will give you an extraordinary opportunity to bring in more salary. This is one of your best financial moments in years. Go out and find new sources of income!
A career reward may be due on August 18.
A project that you finish on or near August 29 will bring you applause and favor from VIPs
By Susan Miller
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