Sunday, September 1, 2013

Wholistically Overcoming Depression...

 I received a message today, and the message is to reach out to all those suffering from depression.  Spiritually speaking, depression is a period within your life cycle where you are being tested by your higher self. My beloved ones, PLEASE find the strength to heal thyself!!!! For this reason, I am delighted to provide you with the following remedies. 

You can begin by repairing the central nervous system with aromatherapy. Because depression results in nerve damage, the best method of using aromatherapy is while taking a relaxing bath. Essential oils such as ylang ylang, lavender, chamomile, and geranium are excellent anti depressant oils. Two drops of essential oils  is enough to receive the full benefit.

Furthermore, herbal teas such as vervain, and rosemary will assist in lessening the symptoms. I also recommend that you slowly introduce yourself to beginners yoga...

Foods high in tryptophan are natural healers, as they promote calmness. Example of such foods are dark green, non starchy vegetables..

Holistic Nutritional Consultant,

Magella Samory